Friday 13 January 2012

mud glorious mud

I love love love lovely mud.  Today's mud was the best kind of mud, just the right consistency and very deep.  And noisy.  As long as you don't lose your wellies (or anything else).  And as long as you're not at Galstonbury.  Or in the First World War.  Mud is great.

The sign of a good walk is how much mud is on your wellies by the end of it.

The weather was also lovely today, and thanks to a dentist appointment (and a bit of a skive) I was able to take Scooby out in the bright sunshine.  I love it when a plan comes together....but I don't love going to the dentist.

Another plan that didn't exactly come together, or at least had manky unforeseen circumstances was the well intentioned christmas pressie I got Scooby.  I bought him a stuffed hoof.  What an idiot I was.  Little did I know at the time that the hideous disgusting thing would hang around the house for weeks and the more Scooby chews and slobbers on it the more vile the smell emanating from it.

And there's the little bits of dead cow's foot that get liberally sprinkled.  Really, it's the gift that keeps on giving.
If you see one of these  DO NOT BUY ONE!
They are manky disgusting smelly rank things.
Your dog will absolutely love it though.

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