Thursday 12 January 2012

My Sunset Sky*

Things are changing.  I took Scooby out for his walk and only had to turn his light-up collar on halfway through.  We were treated to a lovely sunset, but I don't think Scooby was that impressed to be honest.

The red sky gave everything (including Scooby) a lovely orange glow, while he worked on giving his own feet a particular orangey glow.

The camera on my phone doesn't do the sunset any justice.  The whole sky was absolutely stunning. 

A side effect of the lovely afternoon was that the park was heaving with dogs and walkers.  I've never seen so many in the park at the same time.  It was a bit like when you lift up a paving stone and see squillions of woodlice scurrying about.  If you can imagine woodlice with tiny little pet dogs.  Actually it's probably not worth the effort, just imagine lots of actual human dog walkers.  With dogs.  In the park. 

One of the ponds that Scooby was dipping in

As soon as the sun set it got very cold very quickly.  When Scooby was running he appeared to be in a protective bubble of his own breath.  He's very tired now and assuming the position of sprawled across the settee with his head resting on a little table.

He gets tired a lot quicker nowadays.  I think it's because he's getting older.  More on that story later.

I hope you all had some lovely sunsets.

*The title comes from "Clouds come floating into my life, no longer to carry rain or usher storm, but to add colour to my sunset sky.” by Rabindranath Tagore (1861-1941), an Indian poet, playwright and essayist, who won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1913.

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